Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.

This website uses Cumulus (1.9.0-b958) for weather conditions reporting.

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
09/07/2024 8:57pm
Cumulus realtime NOT Current unknown > 0:00:15
file not found
Cumulus FTP NOT Current 119333:33:32 > 0:05:15
01/27/2011 2:24pm
Cumulus weather data NOT Current 119338:42:52 > 0:05:15
01/27/2011 9:15am
Note: script(s) not current and need update(s):
Included Settings.php time=0.000 secs.

Website PHP information

Webserver OS: Linux Cason_Server 4.4.302+ #69057 SMP Fri Jan 12 17:02:28 CST 2024 x86_64

PHP Version: 7.3.33 built for Linux

PHP cmd location: /usr/local/bin/php

Document root: /var/services/web

Template root: /volume1/web

allow_url_fopen = ON

allow_url_include = off

request_order = GP

Stream support for http is available

Stream support for https is available

Streams supported: compress.bzip2, compress.zlib, data, file, ftp, ftps, glob, http, https, phar, php, ssh2.exec, ssh2.scp, ssh2.sftp,, ssh2.tunnel, zip
Socket transports: ssl, tcp, tls, tlsv1.0, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, udg, udp, unix

..fetching recent version information.
RC=200, bytes=136449
Data age=861800 sec 'Thu, 29 Aug 2024 01:34:32 GMT'
Error: Unable to write to ./cache/template-version-info.txt file.
Error: ./cache/template-version-info.txt file is not complete..skipping testing.
Use this link for details.